Our team is in the field, at our first site, using a footprints-only protocol to estimate black rhino numbers for landowners and the Namibian Ministry...
Latest news and events from WildTrack
Our team is in the field, at our first site, using a footprints-only protocol to estimate black rhino numbers for landowners and the Namibian Ministry...
Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment reports on our paper in Peer J demonstrating that FIT can be used to monitor tapir populations in the...
From Karin Schwartz, PhD, Scientific Coordinator for Ex-Situ Partners, ConservationFIT
We recently visited Namibia with Susan and Ray Ellis, founders of Footpath pictures. They produced a beautiful short film that relates how footprints produce biometrics...
With co-authors from Duke Kunshan University and the Chinese Center for Research and Conservation of the Giant Panda, we report on the use of footprints...
ConservationFIT is partnering with organisations that host ‘ambassador’ animals whose footprints can help us protect their free-ranging cousins. Oregon’s Wildlife Safari is helping us by...