News & Events - page 19

Latest news and events from WildTrack

Forum article 'Protecting Global Biodiversity' just published....

Technologies have so much to offer towards protecting global biodiversity, but only if they are appropriately deployed. Together with colleague Stuart Pimm, we comment on...

02 Apr 2016 WildTrack

Otterly great work!

**How hard can it really be to count otters? Frederick Kistner, from the University of Koblenz-Landau in Germany tells his story…. **

01 Mar 2016 WildTrack

Putting WildTrack on the map!

Take a look at where WildTrack techniques are being developed and used to provide better monitoring for endangered species!

05 Feb 2016 WildTrack

Emerging Technologies to Conserve Biodiversity

How can we most effectively deploy technology for anti-poaching and human:wildlife conflict mitigation? It’s a matter of understanding local needs and capacities, integrating expert local...

05 Oct 2015 WildTrack

Bongo FIT!

The eastern or mountain bongo. IMHO the most gorgeous antelope in the world, critically endangered and found wild only in one remote region of Kenya....

12 Sep 2015 WildTrack

WildTrack FIT workshop, Namibia

Transferring technology to users on the ground is vital for conservation success. We’re just back from running our second international FIT workshop for cheetah, at...

15 Jul 2015 WildTrack