News & Events - page 21

Latest news and events from WildTrack

Monitoring endangered species....without further endangering them.

Why we embraced footprints…. and where we go from here!

09 Apr 2014 WildTrack

Texas still allows unregulated hunting of cougar

The iconic and beautiful mountain lion (cougar) ranges widely across the Americas, but population estimates are often unreliable. In Texas, where unregulated hunting still exists,...

26 Mar 2014 WildTrack

Chinese media go wild over footprints....

While in Beijing we were interviewed by a group of very incisive IT journalists. They grilled us, and our host Bryan Yan from JMP China,...

17 Mar 2014 WildTrack

China's impressive committment to conservation

China often gets a bad rap in the west on conservation issues. But on our recent visit we were struck by impressive new initiatives. First...

13 Mar 2014 WildTrack

FIT for Giant Panda monitoring!

How captive giant pandas are helping their wild counterparts. Our super-effiicient Chinese colleagues have already started collecting panda footprints from the Ya’an centre near Chengdu....

07 Mar 2014 WildTrack

Panda feet .... and footprints!

China blog 7: Many giant panda experts told us it would be impossible to get good panda footprints in the wild….either because of deep leaf...

01 Mar 2014 WildTrack