We’re honoured to have been selected, by the Duke University Africa Initiative, to develop a new course on non-invasive techniques for monitoring endangered species for...
Latest news and events from WildTrack
We’re honoured to have been selected, by the Duke University Africa Initiative, to develop a new course on non-invasive techniques for monitoring endangered species for...
We’re working with Duke PhD student Alexandra Sutton, who reports here on her research - trying to ameliorate human-wildlife conflict in Kenya. Alexandra is hoping...
WildTrack with SAS volunteers and NC State electrical engineering group at Carolina Tiger Rescue on a hot day in June. We got lots of footprint...
Some years ago we worked at Otjiwa in Namibia, using footprints to monitor a population of white rhino. We published a paper on this population...
WildTrack has developed a non-invasive Footprint Identification Technique (FIT) which can identify endangered animals at the species, individual, age-class and sex levels. Animals have unique...